Patron News Update,
All are Invited to Join us in Prayer for our Annual Patron and Field Day which will be held on the 26th of May at 2pm.
As always we give great thanks to all our volunteers who help to keep our cemetery looking so well and
Great credit goes to all who have tidied up our cemetery and we encourage you all to take home any debris from your family graves to keep our sacred place of remembrance beautiful.
During the week before the Patron I will bless all the graves in the Cemetery as there would not be enough time to do this on the day.
As Parish Priest I want to thank you in advance for your continued generosity and If you could help us by donating to the cemetery again this year we would be most grateful. You can collect one of the special envelopes that will be available in all our churches and drop it into any of the boxes in our churches or else you can make a donation to the cemetery and clicking on the DONATE button, you then scroll down the page to where you will find St Marys Cemetery and then make your online Donation. We look forward to gathering together as a community to praying for all our Loved ones . Please help us to keep the cemetery clean and tidy as we remember all our loved ones this week.
Songs of Hope for the Bereaved from Liam Lawton