Welcome to the Parish of Kilmore
Opening hours for the Parish Office Tuesday to Friday 10:30 - 12:30pm If you require a Mass card, Wish to Book an Anniversary, Book a Christening, mass bouquet etc. Please call into the Parish Office 053 91 35181 or click the Contact Button above.
Check out this video to Mark the Season of Creation
Check out this video on how UNICEF is helping in Gaza and the impact the war is having on innocent children and their families each day.
The Season of Creation is marked throughout the Christian world from 1 September to 4 October (Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi) and celebrates the joy of creation as well as encouraging awareness-raising initiatives to protect the natural environment.
This year’s theme is “To Hope and Act with Creation”.
In this talk she gives an important insight into a culture that does not value life and sees unborn babies as disposable, leaving women with sad and heart-breaking consequences.
Thank You- A sincere thank you to all who helped to make this year’s Novena to St Anne in Tomhaggard such a success. Many thanks to all who gave of their time in any way; to Valerie our organist and the members of the Choir for their trojan work each night, to the Ballycogley players for their great performances and entertainment; to all the singers and musicians who took part in the variety concert, the Women’s Shed for their great support this year, to William for setting up our Sound Equipment each night, and to all members of the Parish Pastoral Council who gave so generously of their time over the nine nights. Finally, to thank our celebrants Fr David, Fr Jim ; Fr Danny and to thank Fr Michael especially for all his help this year. To Peter, Pat and the CE workers for all their hard work in having the grotto looking so well. To all who took part, donated items for the raffle or donated cakes or volunteered in any way during our nine nights of prayer and celebration.
To you all, many, many thanks.
Pope Francis and his words.. Lets pray for a true dialogue for all believers to work together for an end to war and violence and so pray for a lasting peace in our troubled world.
Conor came to blood donation late in life after finishing playing sport. He feels it is something people can get into at any stage in their life, even if they gave previously and stopped, or simply just got out of the habit. Conor likes to keep healthy and believes blood donation contributes to that physically and mentally, with the feel-good factor not to be underestimated, when you are helping someone.
Conor feels the ‘ordinariness’ of giving blood sometimes works against getting more donors. He feels donors should talk more about the difference their efforts make, and thinks other people would make the extra effort to attend a clinic, if they really knew how giving blood can save so many lives; for example, 67% of donated blood is used to help fight cancer, and these treatments could not happen if blood were not available
New donors, or returning donors (5 years since last donation) are required to call 1800 731 137 to make their first appointment to give blood.
Prior to calling us, we recommend you review the ‘New Donor Eligibility Quiz’ to check if there are any reasons you might not be able to donate.
If eligible to donate, new or returning donors can check if there are upcoming clinics in their area on our ‘Clinic Finder’, and can then call to make an appointment. Further details www.giveblood.ie
Baptismal Request Form -GDPR- Kilmore Parish (docx)
DownloadA Sincere word of thanks goes to all those who supported our Michael English Concert last Thursday, It was a wonderful evening of wonderful song and music. Huge thanks to all our Parish Committee and volunteers on the night for all their hard work and dedication. Many thanks to our First Responders in attendance as well. A special word g
A Sincere word of thanks goes to all those who supported our Michael English Concert last Thursday, It was a wonderful evening of wonderful song and music. Huge thanks to all our Parish Committee and volunteers on the night for all their hard work and dedication. Many thanks to our First Responders in attendance as well. A special word goes to all the sponsors for the raffle as well -your generosity is very much appreciated. The Raffle alone has generated €2283.42. We are indebted to you all for your continued support and generosity and to Centra in Bridgetown for their kindness.
Kilmore Parish Journal Is On Sale The 52nd edition of Kilmore Parish Journal was launched on Friday evening, December 1, 2023 by Seamus O’Brien, the former editor and an important contributor over many years. The Journal records the history, traditions, culture, sporting achievements and life of people of the Parish community. Ther
Kilmore Parish Journal Is On Sale The 52nd edition of Kilmore Parish Journal was launched on Friday evening, December 1, 2023 by Seamus O’Brien, the former editor and an important contributor over many years. The Journal records the history, traditions, culture, sporting achievements and life of people of the Parish community. There are also many interesting photographs from earlier decades and a selection of Grandparent profiles from students in sixth classes in Scoil Realt na Mara, Kilmore. The Journal is now on sale in local shops, Wexford Bookshops, and from some local distributors. This year Journals is available in shops ascross the parish,.
The price remains at €12
Face coverings in Church are encouraged in solidarity with the vast majority of our fellow citizens to actively promote and pursue as safe an environment as possible – we would ask you to help us in our mission to keep people safe and show respect by continuing to wear face coverings if you feel vulnerable .Thank you
Keep Safe and Keep Well